The study entitled “A Study to Assess the Knowledge and practice regarding Resuscitation of New Born among the staff nurses working in neonatal intensive care unit at selected hospitals of Belgaum city with a view to develop self instruction module” The study was conducted on 30 staff nurses working in NICU of KLE’S Dr. Prabhakar. Kore Hospital and Research Center Belgaum with the objectives
1. To assess the level of knowledge of staff nurses regarding newborn resuscitation.
2. To assess the practice of staff nurses regarding neonatal resuscitation.
3. To develop self instructional module.
Non-probability sampling technique was used for the selection of sample. The structured questioners had two sections: related to knowledge and practice of neonatal resuscitation. Knowledge questionnaires had multiple choice questions and practice questionnaires ha” yes or no”. The collected data was tabulated and analyzed according to the objectives of the studies using descriptive statistical method. The major findings of the study were as follows:
1. Findings related to social demographic variables of staff nurses of NICU.
• Majority of the Staff nurses were female, 30 (100%) and male 0 (0%).
• Majority of the Staff nurses belonged to the age group between25-30years that is15 (50%).
• Majority of (20) Staff nurses were GNM (66.66%).
• Majority of the staff nurses 16(53.33%) have 3-4 year work experience, where as 2 (6.66%) had more than 6 years work experience.
• Majority of the staff nurses 21(70%) got information through continuing nursing education where as 03(1%) staff nurses got information through mass media.
2. Findings related to the level of knowledge of staff nurses of NICU:
The majority of staff nurses 12 (40%) had average knowledge and the remaining 10(33.33%) and 08(26.66%) had good and poor knowledge score respectively regarding selected aspects of neonatal resuscitation
3. Findings related practice of staff nurses of NICU about neonatal resuscitation:
The majority of staff nurses 18 (60%) had average knowledge and the remaining 06(20%) and 06(20%) had good and
poor knowledge score respectively regarding selected aspects of neonatal resuscitation
Cite this article:
Mahaling MH. Assess the Knowledge and Practice Regarding Resuscitation of Newborn Among the Staff Nurses Working in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. Int. J. Adv. Nur. Management 3(1):Jan. - Mar., 2015; Page 56-61.
Mahaling MH. Assess the Knowledge and Practice Regarding Resuscitation of Newborn Among the Staff Nurses Working in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. Int. J. Adv. Nur. Management 3(1):Jan. - Mar., 2015; Page 56-61. Available on: https://www.ijanm.com/AbstractView.aspx?PID=2015-3-1-15