Vishakantamurthy, Muruli Mohan, Manasa M
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Mr. Vishakantamurthy1*, Mr. Muruli Mohan2, Ms. Manasa M3
1Lecturer, Community Health Nursing Department, JSS College of Nursing, Mysore
2Assistant Lecturer, Community Health Nursing Department, JSS College of Nursing, Mysore
3Nursing tutor, JSS School of Nursing, Mysore
*Corresponding Author
Published In:
Volume - 2,
Issue - 4,
Year - 2014
Background and Objectives:
Abnormal heart function results in disturbances of either electrical or mechanical activity or both. Abnormal electrical activity may result in arrhythmias. Arrhythmia is an abnormal rate, rhythm or contour of any of the individual wave of electrocardiogram (ECG). Arrhythmias can lead to dramatic changes in circulatory dynamics such as hypotension, heart failure and shock. Recognizing and treating arrhythmias at an early stage can prevent death. The nurse should therefore be familiar with the identification of such arrhythmias. Instant recognition of lethal arrhythmias and immediate resuscitation saves the lives of many.
One group pre-test and post-test without a control group using pre-experimental design was used, with purposive sampling technique. Information was collected from 50 Registered Staff Nurses using structured knowledge questionnaire. SIM was administered and post-test was conducted after 7 days using same questionnaire.
The overall pre test knowledge scores of Staff Nurses on Dysrhythmias and its management was found to be 45.9% and the overall post test knowledge scores was found to 78.3% and enhancement in the mean percentage knowledge score was found to be significant at 5% level for all the aspects under study. There was significant association between post test knowledge scores and selected demographic variables with study gender(? 25.84), marital status(? 24.58), witnessing ECG with arrhythmia( ? 24.58), type of family( ? 26.49), source of information( ? 211.62).
Interpretation and Conclusion:
Overall findings showed that there is knowledge deficit among staff nurses regarding Dysrhythmias and its management and SIM was effective in improving their knowledge..
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Vishakantamurthy, Muruli Mohan, Manasa M. Effectiveness of Self Instructional Module on Knowledge Regarding Dysrhythmias and its Management among Staff Nurses at selected Government Hospitals, Mysore. Int. J. Adv. Nur. Management 2(4): Oct. - Dec., 2014; Page 244-247.
Vishakantamurthy, Muruli Mohan, Manasa M. Effectiveness of Self Instructional Module on Knowledge Regarding Dysrhythmias and its Management among Staff Nurses at selected Government Hospitals, Mysore. Int. J. Adv. Nur. Management 2(4): Oct. - Dec., 2014; Page 244-247. Available on: