Author(s): Girish Degavi


DOI: Not Available

Address: Mr. Girish Degavi
KLE University’s Institute of Nursing Sciences, Nehru Nagar, Belgaum, Karnataka.590010
*Corresponding Author’s

Published In:   Volume - 3,      Issue - 2,     Year - 2015

The study entitled “A study to assess the effectiveness of ( SIM) on knowledge of healthy lifestyle among sedentary workers from selected Banks of Belagavi.” Objectives 1. To assess the pre test knowledge of sedentary workers regarding healthy lifestyle. 2. To evaluate the effectiveness of SIM on knowledge regarding healthy lifestyle. 3. To determine the association between the pre test knowledge scores with selected demographic variables. 4. To develop an Self instructional module (SIM) regarding healthy lifestyle Methods The study was conducted using evaluative design for the present study. Demographic variables analyzed for the study were age, gender, education, family income, marital status, hours of work, intake of junk foods, habit of doing exercise and job stress.. The study was conducted using convenient sampling technique on a sample of 30 Bank employees. Structured questionnaire were used to collect the data regarding healthy lifestyle among sedentary workers from selected Banks of Belagavi, Finding of the study: Majority 66.67 % of the Bank Employees had inadequate knowledge and 16.67% had moderate knowledge before administration of self instructional module (SIM) . After administration self instructional module (SIM) majority 60% of Bank Employees had reported adequate knowledge and 33.33% Bank Employees reported moderate knowledge level. Knowledge with selected socio-demographic variables was calculated using chi-square ( ?2 ) test there was significant association in income, Marital status, Hours of work in a day, Habit of doing exercise at the probability level of p<0.05. Interpretation and conclusion The study findings were that evaluative study is effective to identify the knowledge regarding healthy lifestyle among sedentary Bank employees there was significant association in income, Marital status, Hours of work in a day, Habit of doing exercise with demographic variables.

Cite this article:
Girish Degavi. Effectiveness of self instructional module (SIM) on knowledge of healthy lifestyle among sedentary bank Employees. Int. J. Adv. Nur. Management 3(2): April- June, 2015; Page 131-138.

Girish Degavi. Effectiveness of self instructional module (SIM) on knowledge of healthy lifestyle among sedentary bank Employees. Int. J. Adv. Nur. Management 3(2): April- June, 2015; Page 131-138.   Available on:

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