Author(s): Dayalal D. Patidar, Dipak Patidar


DOI: 10.5958/2454-2652.2019.00050.7   

Address: Dr. Dayalal D. Patidar1, Mr. Dipak Patidar2
1Prinicipal, Joitiba College of Nursing, Bhandu, Dist: Mehsana
2Second Year M.Sc. Nursing Student, Joitiba College of Nursing, Bhandu, Dist: Mehsana
*Corresponding Author

Published In:   Volume - 7,      Issue - 3,     Year - 2019

Background: ''Disaster reflects the ways societies structure themselves and allocate their resources.” Disaster is a sudden, calamitous event bringing great damage, loss, destruction and devastation to life and property. The damage caused by disasters is immeasurable and varies with the geographical location, climate and the type of the earth surface/degree of vulnerability. This influences the mental, socio-economic, political and cultural state of the affected area. It completely disrupts the normal day to day life, like food, shelter, health, etc.1 Definition of disaster management as per dm act, 2005 ‘Disaster Management’ is defined as a continuous and integrated process of planning, organizing, coordinating and implementing measures which are necessary or expedient to prevent danger or threat of any disaster, mitigation or reduce the risk or severity or consequences of any disaster, capacity-building and preparedness to deal with any disaster, prompt response to any threatening disaster situation or disaster, assessing the severity or magnitude of effects of any disaster, evacuation, rescue and relief, rehabilitation and reconstruction. Aims and Objective: To assess the knowledge Disaster Management among people in Mehsana city. To assess the effectiveness of video assisted teaching programme on knowledge regarding Disaster management among people in Mehsana city. To find out the association between knowledge with their selected demographic variable among people in Mehsana city. Methods - A quantitative approach using pre-experimental one group pre-test-post-test design. 100 people were selected by using simple random sampling technique in Mehsana city. The video-assisted teaching programme was given to the people residing in Mehsana city. Self-structure knowledge questionnaire will prepare and used to assess the knowledge regarding Disaster Management. Results: in this study overall the highest percentage in the demographic data including the age group 48% (18-28), gender 58% (female), type of family 62% (Joint), education status 48% (Graduate), Occupation 38% (Unemployed), Monthly income 39% (Less than 5000), previous knowledge regarding Disaster Management 76% (NO) First source of knowledge14% (Mass media).Post-test knowledge mean score (21.33 + 3.21) was higher than the pre-test knowledge mean score (10.62 + 3.02). The calculated “T” value (163.28) was greater than the table value (1.98) at 0.05 level of significance. The pre-test and post test mean % is 35.40% and 71.10% and different is 35.70%. So knowledge is increase after the intervention. This indicates that the video-assisted teaching programme is effective in increasing knowledge regarding Disaster Management. Chi-square test to associate the level of knowledge with a selected demographic variable. CONCLUSION: The finding of the study revealed that video-assisted teaching programme is effective in increasing the knowledge regarding Disaster Management. RECOMMENDATIONS: A study can be carried out to evaluate the efficiency of various teaching strategies like a self-instructional module, pamphlets, leaflets, and computer-assisted instruction on Disaster Management.

Cite this article:
Dayalal D. Patidar, Dipak Patidar. A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Video Assisted Teaching Programme on Knowledge regarding Disaster Management among People in Mehsana City Gujarat. Int. J. of Advances in Nur. Management. 2019; 7(3):217-220. doi: 10.5958/2454-2652.2019.00050.7

Dayalal D. Patidar, Dipak Patidar. A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Video Assisted Teaching Programme on Knowledge regarding Disaster Management among People in Mehsana City Gujarat. Int. J. of Advances in Nur. Management. 2019; 7(3):217-220. doi: 10.5958/2454-2652.2019.00050.7   Available on:

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