Arati P. Dange, Kale Kalpana
Arati P. Dange1, Kale Kalpana2
1Clinical Instructor, Pravara Institute of Medical Sciences (DU), College of Nursing, Loni (Bk), Tal. Rahata, Dist. Ahmednagar, Maharashtra. 413736.
2Assistant Professor, Pravara Institute of Medical Sciences (DU), College of Nursing, Loni (Bk), Tal. Rahata, Dist. Ahmednagar, Maharashtra. 413736.
*Corresponding Author
Published In:
Volume - 10,
Issue - 3,
Year - 2022
Background: Environment sanitation is one of the determinant of quality of life and necessary for human development. Safe water and basic sanitation is of crucial important for promotion of health and prevention of health illness/issues. The aim of sanitation system is to protect human health by providing a clean environment that will stop transmission of diseases. Objectives: 1) to assess the environmental sanitation practices and its effect on health among selected urban population. 2) To assess the environmental sanitation practices and its effect on health among selected rural population. 3) To find out relationship between health effect of environmental sanitation practices with socio - demographic variable. Material and Methods: A descriptive research study design with cross sectional survey approach was undertaken in community area Astagaon and Rahata. A total of 100 people were selected with the help of systemic random sampling technique to assess the environmental sanitation practices and its effect on health among selected urban and rural area of Rahata taluka. A nurse investigator conducted a structured interview for 40 minutes to collect data. A proforma was prepared and to collect the data. The data was analyzed with descriptive and inferential statistics wherever required. Results: Housing qualities were shows highest percentage (82%) were had pakka house in urban area while (76%) in rural area. Highest percentage (94%) were purifying water drinking by various methods in urban area than in rural area (84%). Toilet facility were shows highest percentage (100%) of availability of toilet facility in urban area than rural area (90%). Waste management shows that highest percentage (78%) were had closed drainage system in urban area than rural area (64%). Highest percentage (64%) people were using community dustbin in urban area where (48%) people were burning waste in open in rural area. Hygienic practices were highest percentage (94%) peoples practicing hand washing after defecation in urban area than rural area (90%). The 4.25 was mean/average score of presence of illness in urban area. while in rural area mean of presence of illness was 4.71. Conclusion: The major findings of study shows that community people are more vulnerable to develop physical health problem due to poor environmental sanitation and hygienic practices as compare to urban community people. Thus it should be emphasized having awareness session with community people regarding importance of maintaining good environmental sanitation and hygienic practices and its effect on health.
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Arati P. Dange, Kale Kalpana. Comparative Study to assess Environmental sanitation practices and its effect on health among people residing at selected rural and urban area of Rahata taluka. International Journal of Advances in Nursing Management. 2022; 10(3):182-8. doi: 10.52711/2454-2652.2022.00046
Arati P. Dange, Kale Kalpana. Comparative Study to assess Environmental sanitation practices and its effect on health among people residing at selected rural and urban area of Rahata taluka. International Journal of Advances in Nursing Management. 2022; 10(3):182-8. doi: 10.52711/2454-2652.2022.00046 Available on:
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