Rejani. R, Angel Priya. T, Abisha Shyji. P. S, Bavithra. V. S, Jenifer. V, Keerthika. B, Merlin Sara, Princy Varsha. N, Varshnibha. P
Rejani. R1, Angel Priya. T2, Abisha Shyji. P. S3, Bavithra. V. S3, Jenifer. V3, Keerthika. B3, Merlin Sara3, Princy Varsha. N3, Varshnibha. P3
1Associate Professor, Community Health Nursing Department, The Salvation Army Catherine Booth College of Nursing, Nagercoil. K.K Dist - Tamil Nadu, India.
2Professor Cum Principal, The Salvation Army Catherine Booth College of Nursing, Nagercoil. K.K Dist - Tamil Nadu, India.
3B.SC Nursing IV Year Students of The Salvation Army Catherine Booth College of Nursing, Nagercoil, K.K Dist - Tamil Nadu, India.
*Corresponding Author
Published In:
Volume - 12,
Issue - 4,
Year - 2024
Aging is a natural and continuous irreversible changing process. In this stage progressive generalized impairment of function occur which results in loss of adaptive response to stress. This study was conducted to assess the emotional problem and coping strategies among senior citizens, The research design used for this study was non experimental descriptive research design, The setting of the study was selected old-age home at Azahiamandapam in Kanyakumari district. The selected population for the study was senior citizens those who are (60yrs and above). Structured questionnaire was used to assess emotional problems and level of coping strategies. On the basis of the study findings, most of the senior citizens have adequate level of coping strategies regarding emotional problems.
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Rejani. R, Angel Priya. T, Abisha Shyji. P. S, Bavithra. V. S, Jenifer. V, Keerthika. B, Merlin Sara, Princy Varsha. N, Varshnibha. P. A Study to Assess the Emotional Problem and Coping Strategies among Senior Citizens in selected Old-Age home at Azahiamandapam in Kanyakumari District. International Journal of Advances in Nursing Management. 2024;12(4):191-3. doi: 10.52711/2454-2652.2024.00042
Rejani. R, Angel Priya. T, Abisha Shyji. P. S, Bavithra. V. S, Jenifer. V, Keerthika. B, Merlin Sara, Princy Varsha. N, Varshnibha. P. A Study to Assess the Emotional Problem and Coping Strategies among Senior Citizens in selected Old-Age home at Azahiamandapam in Kanyakumari District. International Journal of Advances in Nursing Management. 2024;12(4):191-3. doi: 10.52711/2454-2652.2024.00042 Available on:
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