For years mothers had been doing a full time job of upbringing their children and addressing their basic needs. However, the present scenario is such that it is not feasible to make a living with just one person’s earnings. Hence, women set out to support their family and the children are taken care of by the secondary caregivers. A number of research studies have revealed that the majority of children suffer from mild to moderate behavioural problems during the early developmental stages. Keeping these changing patterns in mind, the researcher conducted a comparative study at Race Course, Dehradun to assess the behavioural problems of children among working and non-working mothers. The main objectives of the study were to assess the Behavioural problems of children among working and non-working mothers and compare the Behavioural problems of children between working and non-working mothers. Data was collected from 60 working and 60 non-working mothers with the help of non-probability purposive sampling techniques. A structured Child Behaviour Assessment Scale was developed to collect the data from the mothers of children aged 4-12 years. Reliability of the tool was found to be 0.7. The study results revealed that 60% of working mothers reported Borderline Behaviour in their children. Abnormal behaviour consisting of hyperactivity, bad habits and social problems etc. were reported by 15% of working mothers. Children among non-working mothers reported higher levels of anxiety, and conduct problems. Significant association was found between Behavioural problems of children among working mothers and type of family, number of children, age of the child, and gender of the child. Behavioural problems in childhood may lead to limited functional capabilities in children and more serious problems in adulthood. Nurses can play a major role in diminishing Behavioral problems by providing guidance and counselling for the children and their mothers. The focus should be on addressing the emotional needs of the children during the early stages of development.
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Mamta Bisht. Behavioural problems of children among working and non-working Mothers. International Journal of Advances in Nursing Management. 2021; 9(4):395-9. doi: 10.52711/2454-2652.2021.00091
Mamta Bisht. Behavioural problems of children among working and non-working Mothers. International Journal of Advances in Nursing Management. 2021; 9(4):395-9. doi: 10.52711/2454-2652.2021.00091 Available on: https://www.ijanm.com/AbstractView.aspx?PID=2021-9-4-14
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