Background: Lactation describes the secretion of milk from the mammary glands and the period of time that a mother lactates to feed her young. The chief function of a lactation is to provide nutrition and immune protection to the young after birth1. It is widely reported that maternal diet influences the nutritional composition of breast milk. Eating a healthy diet while you are breastfeeding is important because what you eat determines the energy, protein, nutrient and vitamin content of your breast milk. From conception to exclusive breast feeding (first 6 months) the baby completely depends on mother's nutritional status.2 Objective: The present study aimed to assess the effectiveness of planned teaching program on knowledge regarding diet during lactation among primi lactating mothers in selected community area, Satna. Methodology: Pre-experimental, one group pre-test post-test design was adopted for this study. 40 mothers were selected by using simple random sampling method for this study. A pre test was conducted by using structured knowledge questionnaire and on the same day the planned teaching program regarding diet during lactation was administered to them. After 7 days, post test was conducted with the same questionnaire for the same group of mothers to assess the effectiveness of planned teaching program. Result: The mean score is increased in the post test. The mean in the post test is 24.4 whereas the mean in the pre test is 10.5. The mean improvement is 13.9. The calculated value of t is 30.2 which is highly significant. The result confirms that the planned teaching program was effective significantly in improving the knowledge on diet during lactation among primi lactating mothers.
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Shanees E.. A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of the Planned Teaching Program on Knowledge regarding Diet during Lactation among Primi Lactating mothers in selected community area, Satna. International Journal of Advances in Nursing Management. 2024;12(4):199-2. doi: 10.52711/2454-2652.2024.00044
Shanees E.. A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of the Planned Teaching Program on Knowledge regarding Diet during Lactation among Primi Lactating mothers in selected community area, Satna. International Journal of Advances in Nursing Management. 2024;12(4):199-2. doi: 10.52711/2454-2652.2024.00044 Available on: https://www.ijanm.com/AbstractView.aspx?PID=2024-12-4-12
1. Lactation; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lactation
2. Normal human lactation closing the gap-NCBI published 2018. www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
3. Nutrition during breast feeding health engine blog. health engine. Com.au.20sep.2007. https://healthinfo.healthengine.com.au/nutrition-during-breastfeeding
4. Nutrient needs in lactation: by maulishreejhawer, dr. simipaknaikar. MD on Jan 14,2019. www.medindia.net.
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