Author(s): Divya Upreti, Rakhi Mishra


DOI: 10.5958/2454-2652.2020.00005.0   

Address: Divya Upreti1, Rakhi Mishra2
1M.Sc Nightingale Institute of Nursing, Noida, India
2Associate Professor, Nightingale Institute of Nursing, Noida
*Corresponding Author

Published In:   Volume - 8,      Issue - 1,     Year - 2020

Aim: The aim of the study was to assess the effectiveness of planned teaching programme on Knowledge and Practice regarding arterial blood gas analysis and its interpretation among staff nurses working in critical care units at selected hospital of Delhi/ NCR. Material and method: A Quantitative Research approach and Pre experimental research design was employed with Non –probability convenient sampling technique was used to collect the sample. A Structured knowledge questionnaire was developed to identify the knowledge of staff nurses and Observational practice checklist regarding arterial blood gas analysis and its interpretation was used to assess the practice of staff nurses working in critical care units. The conceptual framework used to guide this study was based on Stufflebeam’s context input process product (CIPP) which was used to assess the effectiveness of planned teaching programme on Knowledge and Practice regarding arterial blood gas analysis and its interpretation. Analysis of data was done in accordance with the objectives. A total of 30 Staff nurses working in critical care units i.e., Medical and Surgical intensive care units (MICU and SICU), Cardiovascular and vascular surgery (CTVS) unit were selected using Non probability convenient sampling technique. Data obtained were analyzed and interpreted in the light of the objectives using both descriptive statistic and Inferential statistics. The level of significance was 0.05. Fisher’s Exact Test was used to find the association between post knowledge score with selected demographic variables and post-test practice score of staff nurses working in critical care units with selected demographic variables. Results: Results collected from the study showed knowledge score of Arterial blood gas analysis and its interpretation in pre-test was assessed and maximum numbers of staff nurses i.e. 13 (43.4%) of staff nurses were having average knowledge ,11(36.6%) good,2 (6.6%) excellent and 4(13.4%) poor knowledge. The knowledge score of staff nurses in post-test was assessed 24(80%) of staff nurses were having very good knowledge, 6 (20%) good knowledge whereas in pretest, practice score of staff nurses was assessed and 17(56.66%) of nurses had average practice, 7(23.34%) of nurses were having poor knowledge and 6(20%) good average practice. The practice score of nursing students in posttest was assessed and 19(63.33%) had very good practice, 11(36.67%) good practice. Hence, the teaching programme was effective in improving the practice of staff nurses working in critical care units after administration of planned teaching programme regarding arterial blood gas analysis and its interpretation. The Pre-test and post-test mean knowledge scores about arterial blood gas analysis was 17.8 and post-test 26.4 with standard deviation 4.25 therefore mean difference (8.6) was found to be statistically significant. Data further shows that mean pre-test practice score is 10.7 and post-test practice score is 17.3 with standard deviation 2.88. The obtained mean difference 6.6 was found to be statistically significant as evident from the t value of 12.60 at 0.05 level of significance. Hence, the teaching programme was effective in improving the knowledge and practice of staff nurses working in critical care units regarding Arterial blood gas analysis and its interpretation. Conclusion: Planned teaching programme were effective in improving the knowledge and practice regarding arterial blood gas analysis and its interpretation among staff nurses working in critical care units.

Cite this article:
Divya Upreti, Rakhi Mishra. Effectiveness of Planned Teaching Programme on Knowledge and Practice regarding Arterial Blood Gas analysis and its Interpretation among Staff Nurses working in Critical Care Quantitative Research Approach. Int. J. of Advances in Nur. Management. 2020; 8(1):12-18. doi: 10.5958/2454-2652.2020.00005.0

Divya Upreti, Rakhi Mishra. Effectiveness of Planned Teaching Programme on Knowledge and Practice regarding Arterial Blood Gas analysis and its Interpretation among Staff Nurses working in Critical Care Quantitative Research Approach. Int. J. of Advances in Nur. Management. 2020; 8(1):12-18. doi: 10.5958/2454-2652.2020.00005.0   Available on:

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